Digital Empowerment Fellowship

Digital Empowerment Fellowship is targeted towards supproting the rural schools with the computer which the government has not been able to support though they have supported them with the computers. Through this fellowship we are supporting the government achieve the national mission of reaching the digital education to the every grassroot schools.

Computer Learning Center

Digital skills have become mandatory for success in 21st century. Digital literacy creates an access to knowledge and generates opportunities for economic empowerment. However, majority of the people in the rural areas lacks these skills either due to inaccessibility to learning centres or inability to afford it. In order to bridge this gap WDAC is setting up computer learning center in the rural areas of Nepal.
In the past, WDAC established computer learning centres in villages of Dhanusha district, despite great enthusiasm among villagers and high employment rate post training the centres had to be closed down because of insufficient power supply in the area. Hence learning from the past lesson, WDAC is setting up computer learning centre with Laptops so as to reduce the power consumption and also have battery backup in case of need.

WDAC is inviting donation in form of old or new working laptops to support the project.

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